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Lilypie Baby Ticker

10 Months January 20, 2006

Time for an update! I'm pretty certain that, no matter how hard I try to remember every little new thing that Benjamin has learned in the past month, I'm bound to forget something.

Benjamin is definitely excelling in the vocabulary department. Jason and I find this very exciting because we both have a love for language and writing. I think I'm going to make a list of Benjamin's current vocabulary so I can look back and know what he was saying at 10 months. He can say all of these words, but he doesnt say all of them very often. He sort of rotates them out every so often and when he's working on something else, like learning to crawl or stand, his vocabular seems to decrease temporarily.

1.) Dada (by far, this is the funnest thing to hear him say, because he definitely knows how to get Daddy's attention)

2.) Hi (It is the strangest thing to say "hi" to your baby and have him answer back with his own little "Hi!" Benjamin uses this word most when there are adoring on-lookers to impress--especially young, blonde, female on-lookers, like Auntie.)

3.) E-i-e-i-o (prounounced "I-I-aye-ah!")

4.) Aye-aye-AYE (prounounced exactly as it should be, Benjamin was singing e-i-e-i-o one day but it sounded more like the spanish song "aye-aye-aye" so we adapted it)

5.) B-bye (he doesn't use this word very often, but sometimes he will say it and wave, too)

6.) Mama (Benjamin pretty much only calls me by name when he's tired or hungry. I think it means he considers me dependable.)

7.) Milk (pronounced "mama" but with a sense of urgency and the sign for milk)

8.) Water (pronounced "wada" and only used when filling the bathtub)

9.) Uh-oh (pronounced "ahh-ah")

10.) All-done (pronounced "ahh-da")

11.) Yeah (he says this one often, but he isn't sure what it means or why it makes us laugh when he answers our questions this way)

12.) Bubbles (pronounced "buba", he's really only said this a few times when he was learning how to blow bubbles)

Benjamin was doing the army-crawl thing up until about two weeks ago when he decided to throw in a little real crawling. Last night, Jason and I discovered that the best way to get him to pick his tummy up off the floor when he's crawling is to put him on the tile floor without a shirt on. He pushed himself up on this hands and his feet in this upsurd looking yoga pose and then looked at us like, "this is not funny!" Of course we immediately picked him up, dressed him in his nice warm pajamas, gave him a bottleand his blanket and cuddled him until he was ready to go to bed.

Sometime around last Friday Benjamin took to climbing EVERYTHING and just today he pulled himself up onto his feet for the first time. He's much more active than I have ever seen him. While it's fun watching him explore different areas of the house, I gotta say I'm having a hard time keeping up. Also, everything that is exciting to him right now, from the computer tower that lights up when the hard-drive is working to the cd rack to the kitchen garbage can, are all "no-no's" right now. I keep finding myself searching for things he can climb on, tip over, bang together without hurting himself.

On Tuesday Benjamin decided to climb the tripod, tipped it over, and got a bruise under his right eyebrow. It's not too bad, but I felt horrible. The next day, after wracking my brain to figure out how to afford a $70 play-pen, I discovered that the inflatable birthing pool I had purchased and never used would do nicely. It has the added bonus that it's covered in lively fishy cartoons and padding on the sides and bottom. I'm really thankful that the Lord gave me that idea and saved us some money...

We acquired some decent medical bills earlier this month when the doctor informed me that there was a possibility I had an ectopic pregnancy. It turned out that the first ultrasound was incorrect, there was no pregnancy in my fallopian tube and I had miscarried probably around 3 weeks after conception.

I wasn't terribly upset by this miscarriage. Had I not been signed up to do a Pracs medical study, I probably would have never known I was ever even pregnant. Plus, I had a feeling that this pregnancy wasn't going to stick from the first moment after I got the phone call informing me that my Pracs bloodwork had shown me as being pregnant.

Still, the possibility of having a second child so soon got our wheels turning. We came to the conclusion that right now, the only thing keeping us from trying for baby number two is that we want to give my body a little while longer to recover from the first pregnancy. Also, our insuranced changed this year, so we'll need to save up some extra money so we can afford to have hospital bills should we decide to go that route again. Saving up extra money is slow going right now especially since we do not have a renter this winter as we'd planned to.

I've only got a few photos this time. We've mainly been using the video feature on our camera lately. It's fun to watch all of the silly thing Benji can do. I'm hoping to make a video CD to send to people when Benji has his first birthday in a couple months. Eeek! A couple months?! I better hurry up and get off this computer while my baby is still a baby.

This photo is me and Benjamin cuddling up on the futon before bed. It's not the most flattering shot of either of us, but like I said, I don't really have all that many photos this time around.

Here's a shot of Benjamin in his "play-pen" watching about two minutes of Barney on tv before mom starts to go a little crazy and changes the channel.

And here is Benjamin climbing the bookshelf so he can torture my books. Note the torn dust cover on the black book with the red letters. Yup, he did that.

Ok, I'm off to stop the baby from stuffing any more peanut butter cracker in his ears.

15 wk Ultrasound
23 wk Ultrasound
Nursery Pic
Dad's Baby Pic

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