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Six Months! - September 13, 2005

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Six Months! September 13, 2005

Today my little man is six months old! To celebrate, I fed him a bit of pureed sweet potato for lunch. He wasn't so keen on eating it as he was on finger painting his bib with it.

I'm going to post quite a few pictures in this entry I think.

Benjamin is teething like mad. His poor little gums are lumpy, he isn't sleeping well, and he keeps making this silly face:

He weighs about twenty pounds now. I don't carry him much anymore. My arms get tired and he wiggles so much he slips down off my hip. Lately I put him in his sling instead of carrying him. He's comfy in there and it's hands free for me. We wash dishes together a lot. Benjamin is fascinated by the sprayer on the sink.

We went to Minot for Labor Day weekend. We drove the six hours there at night, so Benji slept through most of it. He really traveled well. Jason and I played silly road trip games to keep from getting too tired on the way there. Benji got to meet his Great-Grandma Lorena while we were there and his Grandpa Kelvin & Grandma Ellie drove from Montana to see Benjamin, too. The got him a little play gym thingy that makes music and has all sorts of toys for him to grab on to.

Four generations of Aus':

The three of us with Grandpa Kelvin and Grandma Ellie:

Benji with his Great-Grandma Lorena:

We stayed with Jason's other granparents, Bud & Roberta while we were there. While we were there, I helped finish two crossword puzzles (something I used to think I was terrible at). I also took pictures of their house to build a "home for sale" website with. I've been working on that this week. It's coming along nicely.

The Fletcher Home

Last weekend Jason and I went north to see my dad and my dad's dad. I just realized I didn't take any pictures of my dad and Benji, just video. Oops. I'll hafta figure out how to get stills from the videos. Benji enjoyed Great-Grandpa Doug's tractors:

After visiting those two, we went even further North to visit my grandma. My grandma had triple bypass surgery recently so Benji did his best to cheer her up. Then we went out for chinese and got to see Auntie Susie and Uncle Frank. Their son, Christian, told us all about how he wanted to go to "comfy kitchen" (aka Country Kitchen) to get pancakes for supper.

Benji has come up with all sorts of new little tricks this month. He learned how to scream for attention one afternoon when he startled me while he was in the bathtub. That little high pitch plea for attention sure does echo off those tile well.

He's rolling over from back to tummy quite efficiently now, but he quickly gets upset on his tummy as he can seem to get flipped back over. A couple of times now, I have layed him down on the floor only to turn around and find him about a foot away from where I layed him. I think he must just push himself up on his arms and slide himself backwards.

Benji has learned how to dance. At first I wasn't sure if he was intentionally dancing, but today he proved it. Sometimes I stand Benji up on his little feet and hold on to his little hands and sing and jiggle is fat little body to my singing. Well, today when I did this, he kept on wiggling by himself after I stopped and he got so excited when I started to sing again. It's the silliest thing.

Benjamin is pretty much sitting up on his own now. I wouldn't feel confident leaving him sit by himself without me a few inches behind to catch him when he tips over, but sometimes I put him in the middle of the boppy so if he tips, the pillow is there. He really likes this. I think he feels like big stuff sitting there all by himself.

Jason and I decided to make it a goal to teach Benji how to go to sleep without a bottle this month. It's not going too well. When we let him cry in hopes that he'll get the idea, he cries so hard his voice gets hoarse. I've never let him go more than 10 minutes before bringing him a bottle, but this really needs to stop before he gets teeth. I don't want him to get cavities. Next time I think I will try watering down his bottle a little bit more each time he goes to sleep until it's all water.

Jason and I heard some bad news this month. Our friend who we had speak at our wedding got divorced and is now remarried to an unbeliever. We are both very saddened by this news. We worry about Terry and whether he has lost his faith entirely.

I've been working on the table I got for Mother's Day some. I pretty much have all the paint stripped off of it. Now I need to sand it all down and repaint it. I think it's going to look really nice. I'm going to stain and varnish that top and the base is going to be white.

Oh! I went to a mommies group last week. When I got the invitation, I desperately wanted to decline, but I couldn't since I only live two houses away from where the group meets. When I got there, I was so glad I went. The women there are nice and there are even a few moms who are around my age. Two of the women I met there homeschool. One is in fellowship with Becky, our midwife.

While I was at the mommies group, I found out about a "Waterbabies" class at our community center. I signed up for it last week and it starts this Friday. I'm dreading wearing a bathing suit, but the class should be really fun. I know at least one other mom from the mommies group is going to be there. Benji loves the water and I know he'll benefit from getting out of the house a little more often.

Alright, well, that about covers all that I have to say! Here are some more pictures for you to enjoy...

This is the picture I used to make the new webpage layout:

And here's a similar shot with Benji's little toes:

Here's Benjamin modeling the outfit Grandma Peggy got him:

These two are of Benji and daddy goofing around on the futon:

And last but not least, Benjamin enjoying Auntie Kelly's blue chair:

15 wk Ultrasound
23 wk Ultrasound
Nursery Pic
Dad's Baby Pic

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