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Lilypie Baby Ticker

7 Months October 18, 2005

This is certainly not the norm. It's 4:30 a.m. and Benjamin and Jason are upstairs snoozing away while I am here at the computer wide awake. I think it must be the full moon. Or it could have been all the chocolate I had before bedtime.

Benjamin and I have been busy, busy, busy lately! We have been having fun at Waterbabies class, Tot Time, and the Mommies Group.

Tot time is a two hour play session on Wednesdays and Thursdays at the community center here in town. We can attend for any length of time we please. Benji isn't overly enthusiastic about any of the toys they have there just yet, but he likes to get out and watch the other babies. During the winter I am sure we will be very thankful to have somewhere to go play.

Waterbabies class has been really enjoyable. I have so much fun with Benjamin in the pool that I forget all about having to fit into a bathing suit. Benji is the youngest one in the class, but he can certainly hold his own with the "big" kids. His specialty is floating on his back. I think it's to his advantage that he has a large percentage of body fat to make him more bouyant.

We don't have any photos of Benjamin swimming during waterbabies class yet, but his daddy promises to take some next week as it will be his last chance before the class ends. We do have a couple photos of Benjamin at Tot Time.

I've gotten to know one of the other mommies from the Mommies Group. She has an adorable son named Samuel who is 15 months old and she attends waterbabies with us.

I've been so amazed in finding out how much Lana and I have in common; we both attended Christian schools, were both homeschooled, both young moms, we both got married when we were nineteen, had our sons when we were 21, and most importantly we're both Christians. It's really too much for me to consider our meeting one another a coincidence.

Benjamin's two bottom teeth are in! The first one popped through on the 28th of September and the second one followed about two days later. All in all, he faired quite well with teething. I had the hardest time getting a picture of his teeth. At the last moment before I could snap a picture, Benji would put his tongue in the way so I kept getting picture like this instead...

But Jason and I finally teamed up and got a picture of the teeth. I fed Benjamin and Jason snapped the photo...

Jason and Rachel and I took Benjamin to my Grandpa Doug's barn dance earlier this month. It was quite fun. I had learned that Benjamin enjoyed square dancing music early on when he watched intently a square dancing show on PBS, so I wasn't terribly surprised to discover he was fond of the polka music as well. Benji's Grandpa Kenny got to see him, too. Here are some photos from the party...

With his daddy and his great-grandpa...

And with Auntie Rachel...

Jason and I were finally able to get Benjamin a bigger carseat this month. We found a deal on carseats at toys r' us. It's pretty nice, but it doesn't have a visor like the old one so it's hard to keep the sun out of Benji's eyes while we're in the car.

Benjamin is becoming a little pro at eating his baby food. He no longer gags and tries to spit everything out. In fact, sometimes he even gets quite excited about eating. He likes bananas, pureed prunes, and apple sauce the best. Pureed peas are his very least favorite. Sweet potato and mango are somewhere in the middle. We got him a booster seat type highchair recently. We like that we can pull it up to the table so Benjamin will hopefully learn table manners by watching us. *Hopefully* He has a long ways to go on the table manners front...

Oh! Shortly after I wrote my last post, I discovered that Benjamin does much, much better going to sleep if we have a bit of quiet time before bed. At around 7-7:30p.m. I lay Benjamin on the floor with a blanket and his bottle while I read for a little bit. This helps him to wind down and get into sleepy mode. Once I got this figured out, getting him to fall asleep by himself in his crib was really very easy.

While experimenting with getting Benjamin to sleep through the night the Lord reaffirmed in me the conviction that parenting is NOT about rules and foolproof tactics. It's about active dependence on the Lord. Realising this has helped me to know how and when to respond to Benjamin when he fusses. I pray a fair bit more about these types of things than I used to--asking the Lord for guidance, patience, strength, endurance, and...more patience.

There have been all sorts of little progresses made in Benjamin's mobility department. He will occasionally roll from his tummy to his back now. He sits well without support. And he can do push-ups and pivot around on the floor.

I had to buy Benji some warmer clothes earlier this month. I found some good deals while Jason and I were out shopping for a carseat. One of the outfits I found was this cargo pocket khakis and sweater set. I think I paid no more than $4.50 for the set.

The jeans he has on in this next picture I found brand new with tags at a garage sale for $0.50! Aren't my boys the cutest?!

Speaking of my boys, I think cuddling up to my "big boy" sounds really wonderful right now. *yawn*

15 wk Ultrasound
23 wk Ultrasound
Nursery Pic
Dad's Baby Pic

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