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Lilypie Baby Ticker

1 Month & 4 Weeks May 11, 2005

So much has happened in the past three weeks. Benji got to meet his Grandpa Kelvin & Step-Grandma Ellie on the 23rd of April. They drove up from Montana to spend the weekend. They enjoyed Benji lots and lots despite his terrible fussiness.

While they were here, Benji ate too much and projectile vomitted like never before. I think he freaked Grandpa & Grandma out a bit.

Here is Benji pre-vomit (notice how round his tummy is):

And here he is after (notice the innocent look on his face):

Jason and I are convinced he made such a mess of himself just so he could take a bath:

On April 25th, my mom and I took Benji to the doctor. I thought that Benji and I had thrush because Benji was nursing very poorly and I was in pain. Thrush also seemed to explain his fussiness over the weekend. But the doctor didn't think it was thrush because Benji's mouth wasn't white, so he recommended we go see the lactation consultant. We went the next day and she did think it was thrush. We got some medicine called "Gentian Violet". It's not a prescription, but they keep it behind the counter at the pharmacy. It turns Benji's mouth purple which is unpleasant, but it sure beats the two week regiment we'd have to go through with prescription drugs.

We brought Benji to Fargo on the 28th of April to spend his first evening alone at Grandma Sherry's house. Benji had cried excessively nearly the entire day and napped only about two hours rather than the four hours he usually sleeps. I was pretty frazzled that day so when Jason got home from work he suggested we take a drive and see if that would help Benji sleep. Well, Benji didn't sleep the whole hour and twenty minutes to Fargo, but he didn't cry either. When we got to Grandma's I nursed him and then handed him off to Sherry. I was so worried that he would scream the whole time we were having dinner and that Sherry and Auntie Kelly would never want to babysit again, but Benji fell fast asleep shortly after we left.

Jason had a nice evening out. We went to a new (to Fargo) restaurant called Ruby Tuesday's. My mom had recommended it. I had the best seafood I've had in quite awhile. It was nice to just converse with Jason without simultaneously thinking about what Benji would need next.

The thrush treatment helped Benji for a few days, but he just recently got symptomatic again. I think I may have mistakenly fed him a bottle of expressed milk that I stored prior to our gentian violet treatment. So we are treating him again for three days this week.

Benji finally got to spend some time with Auntie Rachie on May 1st. Rachel has been incredibly busy working on getting her photography business up and running. Benji certainly enjoyed her:

Of course he enjoyed chilling with Grandma Peggy lots too:

Jason and I took Benji to four different auctions last Friday and Saturday. We were searching for a lawn mower and my first mother's day present. I was hoping to find a nice oak or maple pedestal table, but I haven't found one yet. Benji was really good in the car. He made friends with the vibrating turtle toy his Great-Auntie Jill gave him:

We stopped in and visited Great-Auntie Jan, Great-Grandma Aggie, Uncle Drew, and Great-Grandpa Doug on our way home friday night. By the time we got home Benji was really zonked out. We didn't want to wake him so we let him sleep in his carseat. We thought he would wake up during the night and we'd just put him in his crib then, but he slept straight through until 6 a.m. Saturday.

Saturday evening, Benji and Daddy hung out together. Here's some pictures of the two of them hamming it up:

On Sunday, we celebrated my mom's first Grandmother's Day by treating her to chinese at her favorite restaurant. She was so enthusiastic about holding Benji and giving him his bottle that she barely ate.

Here's a shot of Benji's Mother's Day present to me:

Aww, that's my boy.

Yesterday we had Benji try out his "Johnny Jump-up" for the first time. He's a bit young for it, but I think when he grows into it he'll really enjoy it.

I've got a very fussy boy here, so I'd better get going. Hope you enjoyed the pics.

15 wk Ultrasound
23 wk Ultrasound
Nursery Pic
Dad's Baby Pic

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