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Lilypie Baby Ticker

1 mo 6 days April 19, 2005

Benji has learned how to smile and coo. He's the most charming thing. When his tummy is full, his diaper is changed, and he's not sleepy, he'll carry on little conversations with us. So far his vocabulary consists of the gurgley "ahh" sound, the soft and quiet "oooooh" sound, and my favorite, the high-pitched squeeky squeal. I love the squeeky squeal because it sounds like it could easily turn into a great big giggle. When our digital camera arrives (!), I will be able to show you Benji's grin.

We're finally getting the hang of breastfeeding. I gave in and went to see a lactation consultant a couple weeks ago. I was reluctant to do so after some of the humiliation I experienced while in the hospital, but ultimately I was glad that I went. The Lactation Consultant was very nice and gave me the reassurance I needed to jump in with both feet.

Benji seems to be doing better with breastfeeding than he was with finger feeding. He's no longer having icky green diapers, but he has had lots of tummy troubles this week. I've tried eliminating certain foods from my diet in effort to make him less gassy, but it's been kind of hit and miss. One thing I'm almost certain bothers him is chocolate, which isn't fun for me, but neither is listening to my little one scream.

Spring is in full bloom here. I hated it a few weeks ago when the weather started turning nice and I was stuck inside taking care of Benji, so I went to Target and bought a "Snugli" brand baby carrier. That was the smartest investment ever. Benji is almost guaranteed to fall asleep in the baby carrier no matter how fussy he is. In fact, I was even able to rake the back yard without him waking up. I guess he just loves the rocking motion of riding along with me. Yes, that's right, I rock. :-P The only trouble with the carrier is that once he falls asleep in there, it's impossible to get him out without waking him up.

Sleeping has been going reasonably well. I feel guilty complaining about Benji's sleep schedule after reading other parents' experiences. Benji will sleep for five to six hour stretches during the night. I attribute this to his extreme fussiness in the evenings. I think he fusses all evening because he just wants to nurse all evening so he can stock up for the night. Of course, several hours of nursing gets tiresome so I struggle quite a bit with this. When he nurses every hour from 5p.m. until 10p.m., I find that by 10p.m. I am so desperate to put Benji in his crib and cuddle up to my husband that I get impatient if Benji wakes and cries. Thankfully, Jason has been quite helpful. He's been great about taking over when I get to my wits end regardless of whether or not he needs to work the next day.

Anyhow, I could probably go on all day, but Benji has fallen asleep in my lap. I'm going to see if I can lay him down for a bit so i can do some chores around the house.

15 wk Ultrasound
23 wk Ultrasound
Nursery Pic
Dad's Baby Pic

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