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Lilypie Baby Ticker

Due Tomorrow!!! March 03, 2005

Our baby is due tomorrow! The mix of emotions that this brings is indescribable. On the one hand, I am desperate to meet this little person growing inside of me. On the other hand, the impending flux of responsibility is tremendous and I find that more than a bit overwhelming. Still, if there is anything that I have learned over the past year and a half that I've been married, it's that when the Lord unites two people, He infuses that unity with a Love so deep and selfless there is no room for one to resent any added responsibilities.

As to whether or not I suspect baby will come on his/her due date, I am really not sure. Gradually, I've begun to notice that my tummy is often very firm in the mornings when I wake up. Initially, I assumed this was because the baby had curled up into a tight little ball while I slept, but I have since come to realize that the tightenings I feel at random times throughout the day are entirely unrelated to the baby's position. I'm pretty sure I'm experiencing Braxton Hick's contractions. This is a good sign!

In addition to the Braxton Hick's contractions, I've taken notice of a few other recent changes...The baby has clearly dropped lower into my pelvis, which has caused some unpleasant hip pain, and just last night I experienced a bit of what I now think must have been incontinency. Then again, who knows maybe my water broke. I had Jason help me put the vinyl sheet on our bed just in case. Also, I ran out of Tums this weeks, so I have had terrible heartburn. I was hoping the baby would come before I ran out, but I had to give in and buy another thing of Tums at the grocery store last night. None of my clothes fit comfortably anymore, so my wardrobe consists largely (pun intended) of Jason's t-shirts and flannels. I guess you could say I'm way beyond the cute stage of pregnancy and I am rapidly headed for that "so-pregnant-I'm-miserable" state that I've been told all women reach just before they go into labor. I can only wonder how long I will have to suffer in that state before I actually give birth. (Please, Lord, make it quick!)

I've gotten more phone calls in the past two weeks than in the last two years combined. Well, maybe that is an exaggeration, but still, it is obvious that my mom and sister are VERY excited. At this point, I don't mind one bit. I welcome anything that can distract me from constantly wondering when this little one is finally going to be born. What I do mind, however, is the persistent reminders that everyone is going on vacation in March. My sister leaves for Colorado on March 11th and my mom and step-dad leave for Key West on March 16th. They're all really hoping that I don't go overdue and I'm really hoping that all this pressure doesn't give me stage fright!

Rachel, my little sister (who's actually not so little--she's turning eighteen on Mar. 23rd!), came over last Sunday and took pregnancy photos for me. She did an incredible job! I wasn't really looking forward to having pregnancy pictures taken at first. I feel HUGE and unattractive with these stretch marks that have snuck up on me, but I figured I'd regret it if I didn't have them taken. Plus, I knew how much Rachel was counting on me to let her practice her pregnancy photography. So I went through with it and I'm glad I did. Here is some of her work...

Pregnancy Collage

Pregnancy Silouette

Sepia Pregnancy

The baby shower was terrific! I was really surprised how many people came. Sherry, my mother-in-law, made the cutest and most delicious cake and the food my mom and sister made was lots of fun. We played a bunch of silly games including "Pin the Diaper on the Baby" which was actually a bit of a prank...You see, first they stood me in front of a poster of a baby, then they gave me a diaper with tape on the back, then they blindfolded me and spun me around (well, they spun me around as much as you can spin a pregnant woman in high heels), then just as I was about to stick that diaper to the baby poster, my cousin squirted me with a water bottle!! The moral of the story was that when it comes to diaper changing you gotta be quick. Of course, baby got lots of nice presents, which reminds me, I was going to work on thank you cards today. Maybe I should go do that. I think I've covered pretty much everything I was going to write about. Hopefully, the next time I write here, I will be holding my baby in my arms. Check out my husband's website for more immediate updates. Jason hopes to put pictures of the baby up ASAP after the birth.

15 wk Ultrasound
23 wk Ultrasound
Nursery Pic
Dad's Baby Pic

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