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Lilypie Baby Ticker

37 weeks February 11, 2005

I'm am now officially "Full Term"! Which means I closely resemble an over-ripe fruit--a very round over-ripe fruit. Like this.

Technically speaking, I'm ready to go any day now, but I am finding that despite my increasing discomfort, there are far too many things I feel that I need to get done before I can have this baby.

I don't have a clue what it will be like once our little Munchkimo is here, but I'm guessing there isn't going to be much time left after feeding, burping, rocking, and changing baby, so I want to do as much as possible now. My "to do" list is endless though, so I'm trying to come to terms with the fact that it's impossible to get it all done and I keep telling myself that my life isn't going to come to a screeching halt after I give birth.

The baby shower is tomorrow. I'm really excited. There will be tons of food, no doubt, and I'm curious to see what kinda goofy games my mom and sister have planned. I'm actually looking forward to hearing people's comments on how huge I am. Plus, receiving gifts for the baby makes it all feel a little less surreal...

I got a package in the mail from my cousin Suzanne yesterday. She sent a bunch of really adorable clothes for baby. One of the outfits has a fleece froggy on it and the pants are bright green corduroys. I absolutely cannot wait to squish my fat little baby into those pants.

I've been reading a lot of birth stories online lately and I've found that the vast majority of moms had only good things to say about waterbirth so I bought a swimming pool online a couple weeks ago. It's 5 feet in diameter and can be filled to 22 inches deep. It fits in our bathroom quite nicely, which is a major plus for me because I was so concerned that our midwive's birthing pool might turn out to be a big hassle.

Other than buying the pool, the main things I have been doing to prepare for the birth have centered a lot around meal preparation. I usually make lunch and dinner for Jason everyday, and I'm not certain I'll be able to continue doing that while breastfeeding. So I've been trying to make up some healthy meals that Jason can easily prepare so we can eat healthy after baby comes. I've also been working on getting all of our sheets and towels washed because I don't know how long after baby is born before I will have the time or energy to do that.

My nesting instincts have sure kicked in. Wow! I have to make sure to bring Jason along with me whenever I do any shopping nowadays because otherwise I go nuts and want to buy way more than the essentials. Usually, I'm pretty good about not over spending--Actually, now that I think about it, I'm even a little bit uptight when it comes to spending even when there is stuff we need--But lately I feel the need to collect stuff, anything and everything, just in case.

Thankfully, the Lord has provided us with a little extra income. I'm currently working on a web page for a couple in the area who breed American Water Spaniels. It's work that I can do without getting sore or tired, so I'm really thankful for it. Jason has also been fixing a lot of random computer problems for a few people here and there and that has also brought in some extra money.

Jason and I have been working on relaxation techniques that we'll be able to use during labor. Jason has impressed me tremendously with his ability to help me let go of tension. I didn't know how well my husband could read me until we started working on this. If I am clenching my jaw, Jason will pick up on it and tell me in a soothing voice to relax those muscles. It's really reassuring to know that I have his tender support to help get me through labor.

Our midwife, Becky, visited on Wednesday. She checked the baby and said everything looks great. The baby is head down and facing the right direction, but baby's head isn't "locked in" just yet. That means it's unlikely that I'm close to going into labor right now, but then again ya never know. I asked Becky if all women get to the same point of extreme discomfort before they give birth and she told me that they all do. I'm uncomfortable these days, but I'm not miserable yet, so I'm guessing it's going to be a bit longer.

15 wk Ultrasound
23 wk Ultrasound
Nursery Pic
Dad's Baby Pic

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