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Lilypie Baby Ticker

14 weeks September 08, 2004

It's been a long five weeks since I last wrote, but I'm happy to say that I am now writing from our new home. We are settling in nicely, but I still have no idea how we managed to get everything packed up and moved in while I was suffering from such awful morning-sickness. I'm certain we couldn't have done it without the help of my father-in-law and stepmother-in-law, Kelvin and Ellie.

I was pretty optimistic about having the morning-sickness subside after I passed the 12 weeks (or three months) benchmark, but that doesn't seem like it's going to be the case for me. I'm still having my good days and my bad days and at this point, I'm about ready to accept that this is just how it's going to be for now. I think if I stop counting on feeling better soon, I won't be so disappointed when I don't feel better.

Thankfully, I typically have about three good days for every two really bad days, so I end up spending the good days recovering (sleeping, in other words) or trying to catch up with all of the cleaning, cooking, shopping, and laundry I've fallen behind on. Can you believe I've actually been too tired to spend much time on the computer lately? It's true...I've even been too tired to play yahoo's version of scrabble online, so I've resorted to watching info-mercials on the one, stupid channel our tv picks up.

My tummy has finally started to pop out ever so slightly, but because I've lost 20 pounds from loss of appetite and morning sickness, I really don't look any bigger yet. Jason says that when I do start to get big, I probably won't be so excited about getting big. I'm not so sure about that. I accidentally got locked out of the house last week and as I was walking over to the neighbors in my pajamas I kept thinking, "If only I looked more pregnant, my neighbors probably wouldn't think I'm so crazy for still being in my pajamas at one in the afternoon."

I'm sure I'll start to really show anytime now. In fact, this week I have been experienced some crampy type feelings which I have been attributing to my uterus expanding. And even though all of my clothes are quite loose now, I can't stand to wear my jeans while I'm sitting down. Anything remotely restricting around my abdomen is difficult to tolerate.

I haven't had my first appointment with the midwife yet. On August 16th, the day I was scheduled to have the first appointment, Becky (the midwife) called to say she was on her way to North Dakota for a birth and she wouldn't be able to make it. She said she'd like to reschedule for early September as she was hoping to take a vacation to visit her sister in the end of August. Of course, I said that would be perfectly fine--I know she works very hard and could use a little vacation, but I was a little disappointed at the same time. I shouldn't be so anxious to meet with her I suppose, but I guess it just seems like pregnancy involves a little too much waiting. In two weeks, I plan to schedule an ultrasound appointment. Maybe I'll have pictures to post next time.

We haven't had anymore success finding a name. Actually, we haven't even talked about it. I'm wondering if this the type of thing Jason and I will be inclined to procrastinate about until the very last minute. I hope not. Maybe we should go through a list of baby names letter by letter as we have time...

Well, I think I may have talked Jason into taking me to the library when he gets home from work, so I had better go see if I can find anything unrestricting to wear that doesn't look like pajamas.

15 wk Ultrasound
23 wk Ultrasound
Nursery Pic
Dad's Baby Pic

Current Cravings... Milk (even though I can't seem to stomach it), Chicken Nuggets/Strips, & Sunny Delight.

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